62. Carbon Negative and Biodegradable Fashion with Sheep Inc.

What is carbon negative fashion and is it even possible to produce clothes that sequester more carbon than the process of making the garment produces? It might seem too good to be true, but it's not, and I'm thrilled to end 2020 with you guys by introducing what I hope is the future of fashion - carbon negative, 100% biodegradable, permaculture approved clothes.

Edzard van Der Wyck is the founder of Sheep Inc. - a new fashion brand launched in October 2019 that is creating carbon negative, fully traceable, 100% biodegradable, ethically sourced, Merino wool, unisex ZQ certified jumpers. On top of all these fancy and exciting titles, they also work closely with their wool farms to ensure a focus on regenerative farming, land mapping, bio diversity and planting trees with the goal of creating farms that are carbon sinks and producing a naturally carbon negative product. Check out their sweaters and learn more about their journey at www.sheepinc.com

Good to know about merino wool:

  • Merino is the world’s naturally technical fibre which is renewable and bio-degradable. It’s natural proteins will completely break down with environmental exposure into organic carbon and return to the environment in years to come.

  • Merino wool is a natural and sustainable resource because merino wool continues to grow each year after the annual harvesting of the fleece.

  • Merino sheep live on a diet of water and grasses and live outdoors.

  • Not all merino wool is ethical and sustainable. Look for certifications like Responsible Wool Standard, ZQ Merino Standard and the Soil Association Organic Standards

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Anne Therese Gennari

Anne Therese Gennari is a TEDx speaker, educator, and author of The Climate Optimist Handbook. As a workshop host and communicator, Anne Therese focuses on shifting the narrative on climate change so that we can act from courage and excitement, not fear.


63. Ending 2020 with Climate Courage


61. Finding your purpose and how to make a living doing what you love