92. Ecopsychology and The Power Of Emergent Systems

In this conversation:

How do we restore our spiritual relationship with nature and find ourselves as embedded participants within the web of life? More importantly -- what does that look like in practice?

In this fascinating conversation with Aaron, we talk Ecopsychology, how a culture of emergence within companies can help shift society in a positive direction, as well as how a community-driven approach might lead us into a climate optimistic world.

Aaron Gabriel Neyer

Aaron Gabriel Neyer is a Developer Relations Engineer at Google with a big passion for both living and technological systems. Furthering his education with a Masters in Eco-Psychology at Naropa University, he’s passionately exploring how we as humans can more effectively find ourselves as embedded participants within the web of life, and begin to see how we as a society may shift paradigms away from an industrial growth society and towards a life-sustaining society.

At Google, Aaron gets the opportunity to interact with and build solutions for the communities of developers using Google's cloud platform. He’s also actively engaged in a community within Google looking to explore how they can, as Googlers, better help with the current climate crisis in the world.

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Anne Therese Gennari

Anne Therese Gennari is a TEDx speaker, educator, and author of The Climate Optimist Handbook. As a workshop host and communicator, Anne Therese focuses on shifting the narrative on climate change so that we can act from courage and excitement, not fear.


93. How to Heal Ourselves to Heal Our Planet


91. The Future of Recycled Fashion