When Do People Change?

Session Three

Welcome to Session Three

What does it take for us humans to not only accept change but get excited about it?

And why is it that sometimes (in let’s say a crisis mode) we’re very quick on our feet to act, but other times it can take us years to even consider doing something about a situation that we’re in?

These are things we’ll cover in this session, as well as how it (obviously) relates to climate change.

In this session:

  • When do we change and when do we stay stagnant?

  • What does it take to inspire positive change?

  • Fear-based change vs positively incentivized change – how do they differ?


Activating Change

Today’s homework is a simple exercise in getting more comfortable with change. We tend to think that change is hard and scary until the day we finally get to it and we realize, that wasn’t so hard after all!

In fact, change can many times bring new light and inspiration to your life! 

To practice your change muscle is easy and the best way is to start with small changes and build from there. Could you take a different route to work tomorrow morning? Could you turn off the TV half an hour earlier and go to bed and read instead? Could you actually get serious about your health efforts and start by replacing just one meal of your daily diet?

Find something small and start implementing it into your life and then see how it makes you feel. And if you already consider yourself quite the change pro, go for something bigger. Are you ready to finally change careers? Move to a new town? Ask that person out on a date? Surprise yourself, and keep impressing yourself too! 

And if you consider yourself a personal change pro, can you take that mission a little further and get involved in your local community? Maybe you can manage to implement composting in your building and educate your neighbors to do the same? 

You may start with personal goals, but as soon as you start to reap the rewards that a life in constant flow and change brings you, you will notice yourself feeling powerful, and soon enough you recognize the power you hold to change not just your life, but the community around you and the world at large as well. 

However, start small. What is one change you can adopt today? How can you get just a little bit better at choosing change?

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