Finally, a self-help book on climate change!

Fall 2022

The Climate Optimist Handbook is here to help shift the narrative on climate change so that you can act from a place of courage and excitement, not fear.

It will take you on a journey of empowered awareness, teaching you the basics of climate psychology and the science of optimism, as well as how to gain agency in your actions and turn your life into one of meaning and hope!

We have to recognize that the future is truly up to us and that right now, we have so much to win if we only find the courage to act. This book will help you build that courage. Are you ready?

Paul Hawken, Author of Drawdown and Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation

“A wonderful definition of leadership is the capacity to listen to all the voices. Anne Therese Gennari is a leader who has listened, read, and studied the science of global warming since she was a young girl. Her Handbook lays out where we are, how we got there, and how to go forward. Fully grasping the implications of the climate emergency is not for the faint of heart. Understanding how to address the impending crisis will fill your heart. Here’s how.”

Ayesha Barenblat, Fonunder & CEO, Remake:

“The Climate Optimist Handbook is a breath of fresh air, moving us away from doom scrolling to taking action, from worrying about our planet's future to instead building the world we need, one practical step at a time".”

Featured on The Weather Channel

Watch Anne Therese’s interview on The Weather Channel from when she was featured on National Book Lover’s Day on August 9, 2022.

The book will help you

  • Shift the narrative on climate change

  • Understand climate psychology and common barriers to action

  • Become a master at optimism (the science will show you how)

  • Deal with negative climate news and ground yourself from climate anxiety

  • Regain agency over your life and actions

  • Become an empowered leader for yourself and others

  • Find the courage to choose change and create the world of tomorrow

About The Book

How do we find the courage to choose positive change in uncertaintimes?

How do you spread optimism to people concerned about the future but who feel too overwhelmed to know how to act? Anne Therese Gennari has been seeking the answers to those questions most of her life, and in The Climate Optimist Handbook, she offers encouragement, wisdom, and practical tools to help us let go of fear and the dismal truth of today to build toward a world that can be better and more beautiful than anything we’ve yet seen.

That future starts with shifting the narrative on climate change so we can act from courage and excitement, not fear. We must let go of the guilt and responsibility we feel to save the planet and move into a place of opportunity, optimism, and hope. We should act not because it’s our duty, but because we recognize the beautiful and exciting opportunity we have to participate in the shift toward an even better world.

The Climate Change Optimist Handbook will guide you through that shift to become your own source of optimism. You will learn the psychological reasons we aren’t acting more on climate change and gain tools and mindset tips to model positive change in your community and home. A grounded and resilient leader is waiting to be born inside you—one who doesn’t just believe a better world is possible, but who is eager and excited to do everything possible to make that world a reality.

About the author

Anne Therese Gennari started her journey as a climate optimist in her early twenties when she had a highly spiritual experience. Wiped out from anger and despair for the climate-changing world and the ignorance behind it, she collapsed on the floor in an extensive crying session that left her with one message: “You’re here to be a climate optimist.”

Ever since that day she has tried to figure out what being a climate optimist means. Learning from her own mistakes, she’s landed in a place of understanding of how real optimism is created and nurtured, as well as how to approach this important movement from a place of resilience, courage, and self-love.

Today she aims to share what she’s learned in as many ways as possible. As a speaker and workshop host, she’s delivered sessions to many acclaimed schools and companies. This book is the product of almost ten years of passion and learnings and she hopes it will be a gateway for many to step into the empowered roles we ought to play during our time here on Earth.

Anne Therese has a TEDx talk coming out in September, 2022.

What People Are Saying About The Book

“This book teaches us how to move from a place of doom, gloom, and disaster to one of opportunity, curiosity, and hope. It reminds us of how good the world used to be and could be again and how even today we are making progress toward a better future. We have more to do, but a positive future is possible as Anne Therese Gennari shows.”

— Ingmar Rentzhog, Founder of We Don’t Have Time

“Do you want to help the planet and reverse global warming? Don’t worry. You don’t have to join a march. You don’t have to shame people on social media or your best friend who wants to use a straw when you go out to eat. You can contribute in in any number of ways and pick those that make you feel comfortable. Anne Therese Gennari offers practical methods for joining in the global effort. Start here if you want to feel empowered about our future.”

— Per Espen Stoknes, Author of What We Think About When We Try Not to Think About Global Warming and Tomorrow’s Economy:

“As a storyteller, I’m slightly obsessed with narratives. But not all narratives. The climate narrative is one of those that urgently needs to change – from ”the end of the world”, to ”a new beginning”. Because you know what: We can still fix this. You don’t believe me? Read this book. Then you will.” 

— Markus Lutteman, Bestselling Author and Climate Communicator

“The Climate Optimist Handbook is a breath of fresh air, moving us away from doom scrolling to taking action, from worrying about our planet's future to instead building the world we need, one practical step at a time. Anne as a long-time Remake Ambassador and ally to our movement, exudes joy and hope as does her book.”

— Ayesha Barenblat, Fonunder & CEO, Remake

“A wonderful definition of leadership is the capacity to listen to all the voices. Anne Therese Gennari is a leader who has listened, read, and studied the science of global warming since she was a young girl. Her Handbook lays out where we are, how we got there, and how to go forward. Fully grasping the implications of the climate emergency is not for the faint of heart. Understanding how to address the impending crisis will fill your heart. Here’s how.”

— Paul Hawken, Author of Drawdown and Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation

“I always say ENVIRONMENTALISM + OPTIMIST + ACTION = INNOVATION  & HOPE  and that is exactly what Anne gives us with this book!”

— Alysia Reiner, Actress, Activist & Producer

"In the dark night of the climate collapse and emergency, The Climate Optimist Handbook is a ray of light and hope for all of us to read for inspiration and direction. Anne Therese has created a beautiful book for the moment and tomorrow."

— Paul Samuel Dolman, Host of the What Matters Most Podcast

"If you’re sick of doom scrolling through climate change headlines and are ready to roll up your sleeves for a more sustainable, equitable world, let Anne Therese Gennari be your guide. This persuasive, inspiring handbook flips the traditional climate narrative on its head and shows us how we can move past our fears with courage and conviction to create meaningful impact on the biggest challenge of our time."

— Andreas Karelas, Founder of RE-volv and author of Climate Courage

“An easy-to-read, hopeful, and inspiring book. Anne does an amazing job at helping us embrace not only the challenge of change but the adventure of change.”

— Dr Chris Macdonald, Scientist and Author of Operation Sustainable Human

The Climate Optimist Handbook is a practical, realistic look at what we can do as individuals to reverse climate change. Some of us feel the situation is hopeless, and some of us would rather not think about it and mistakenly think it’s something in the distant future, but Anne Therese Gennari shows that the situation is dire and needs addressing now. But she also shows why there is reason for hope if we just pull together and continue to be creative and innovative like the human race has always been. Read this book and open your eyes to the better future that awaits us all by learning better ways to live—who doesn’t want that?”

— Tyler R. Tichelaar, PhD and Award-Winning Author of The Best Place and When Teddy Came to Town

"The Climate Optimist  is a critical call to action showing us how each of us can make a positive change in shaping the future of our planet. The path to a better future will always involve some degree or level of uncertainty. This powerful book offers encouragement, wisdom, and practical suggestions of simple things we can do now to make a difference for future generations.”

— Susan Friedmann, CSP, International Bestselling Author of Riches in Niches: How to Make it BIG in a small Market

“An oracle for younger generations that will inherit stewardship of this planet, Anne Therese Gennari’s handbook will both educate and inspire, move and cause you to reflect, on how to become your most courageous and fulfilled self in relation to the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. And if you’re in doubt, read Chapter 3 right away!”

— Jack Adam Weber, Author of Climate Cure, Heal Yourself to Heal the Planet

“Anne Therese sends us a much-needed reminder that the term ‘empower yourself’ is a silly phrase. You already have the power within you;  you just need to use it. After reading her book, you’ll want to more than ever.”

— Rebecca Soffer, author of The Modern Loss Handbook: An Interactive Guide to Moving Through Grief and Building Your Resilience

"The most important manifesto for our generation. Optimism is necessary for action. And it’s optimists who will create the future. AT’s message is not just a feel-good thing – it's the neuroscience of making things happen. Every climate activist needs to need read this book and practice its teachings every day.”

— Katie Patrick, Author of How to Save the World, How to Make Changing The World The Greatest Game We've Ever Played