How To Imagine the Unimaginable

How To Imagine the Unimaginable

Manifesting change starts with exploring what else is possible. When we begin to imagine alternative futures, we strengthen our mind’s ability to trust new realities, setting the stage for radical change.

We often focus on what we fear for the future, leading to paralysis rather than action. But what if we practiced envisioning what’s possible? This campaign is a call to IMAGINE—new ideas, better realities, and bold actions for people and the planet.

Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.
— Mary Oliver


This March, imagine a better future with us. If you share your vision, you'll be entered into a raffle to win awesome prizes!

How it works:

  1. Use one of the resources shared throughout the month (or meditation on your own) to envision a new reality.

    Resources include: guided meditation, journaling prompts, and tips for creating mental and spiritual space to invite for new ideas.

  2. What came through in your visualization? A thought, vision, feeling, or creative idea? Submit your answer - big or small, there are no right or wrong answers!

  3. We will randomly draw winners from all submissions at the end of March. See the prizes below.

    We will also create a post with all submitted answers — imagine how powerful this post will be! (You can choose to be anonymous)


Thanks to some generous and visionary brands, authors, and thought leaders, you have the chance to win some really cool prizes!

Here’s what you’ll find in the gift raffle basket!

*If you’re a brand/author/creative with a gift to add, send us a note!!


The Climate Optimist Handbook by Anne Therese Gennari

Generation Dread by Britt Wray

Practical Optimism by Dr Sue Varma

What Matters Next by Kate O’Neill

What We Can Do by Charlie Sellars, Director of Sustainability at Microsoft (Releasing April 2025)


Sneakers of choice by Thousand Fell

Umbrella made of ocean plastics by Dri Umbrellas

Magazine by Imagine5

Chocolate by Zacao World

Gift Card to RIF Care Organic Period Products

Enrollment for winner + friend in The Climate Optimist Course

A Guided Meditation

What future could we find ourselves in if we kept some room in our hearts for the unimaginable?

Too often, we’re bound by our current realities, stressed and filled with worry and fear because we don’t know what the future will look like. We fear change because we don’t know what that change will bring. But we know that everything we’ve ever built, invented, or created, has come from an ability to look beyond what we know to be true now.

Our world today consists of millions of manifestations - big and small - made by people who dared to dream of something new. People who were brave enough to think of realities that lingered outside their comfort zones; who dared to believe in the unbelievable and imagine the unimaginable, and found the courage to explore those new worlds.

When it comes to climate change, the only hope we truly have is to be found in that courage.

We must expand our hearts and minds, begin to question everything and dare to dream. Because maybe change isn’t so bad. Maybe change means that things could be even better. Better in the most unimaginable ways!

I created this guided meditation to help you find the place where YOUR dreams, ideas, and visions live. It will help you broaden your perspective and trust that it’s OK not to know everything. And that the sooner you let go of that need, the sooner you can move into the future where we’re meant to be.

Listen to this meditation and you will notice the world around you begin to shift, and you with it, as you become the hero this time needs!

Videos of Anne Therese Gennari are produced by Steven Dewitt.

Landscape video cred: Mihman Duğanlı, AP Vibes, Nicky Pe, Peter Fowler, Yaroslav Shuraev, Taryn Elliott, James Cheney, Pixabay, Michal Marek, Tom Fisk, Tyler Francis, and Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com

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